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Misunderstood again

I feel there is one huge issue with MS that maybe needs a bit more discussion, the issue of being misunderstood. Many of the symptoms we suffer are invisible certainly in the first few years. I suffer a lot from headaches and fatigue which usually goes together. When this happens I can only manage 10 or 11 hours a day out of bed. There are lots of other symptoms too like pins n needles, or numbness in my hands, shooting pains in my feet and other weird sensations. By far the worst is the gnawing bone deep fatigue that won't go away. All this is bad enough but it's added to by the fact that no one except another MS sufferer understands it. Tell them you're tired and they nod knowingly and say me too. But they don't know, do they. This happens a lot, like every day when it does I just want to crawl back into bed and stay there.

  1. I hear you, . One of the challenges of living with MS is the fact that so many of the symptoms go unseen by others. Fatigue. Cognitive issues. Spasticity. Pain. It's hard for others to grasp how MS can impact one's life every single day.

    And, yes, the fatigue is so much more than being "tired".

    Please know you're not alone here and this community gets just what living with MS is like.

    Best, Erin, Team Member.

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