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Most experienced MS symptoms

What are your top 5 most experienced symptoms related to MS?

How do you cope with them? Do they seem to flare in unique ways?

  1. Fatigue,heat sensitivity,pain, numbness, gait

    1. They bother me alot

      1. , your top five symptoms really run the MS gamut, don't they? You have some of the "big ones", but I bet you already know that! Are you able to manage these symptoms at all or do you just have to ride it out until they run their natural course?

        Best, Erin, Team Member.

    2. I ride them out usually, it is part of the course, thanks for listening

      1. I'm the caregiver for my 78yo sister who, after her diagnosis 38 yrs ago, is now in full progressive mode. She has a neurogenic bladder which means multiple bathroom trips at all hrs of day and night. She also has cognitive decline - though she never forgets my name! And she is averse to doing exercises which would help strengthen her legs and gait which has diminished precipitously. Her OP & PT discharged her because she resists doing exercises which would help mitigate her physical decline. I'm thankful, however, that she had 36yrs of reasonably good health.

        1. ,
          Your sister is quite blessed to have you by her side.
          I'm sure you are both faced with many challenges.
          It must frustrate you a bit that she does not want to listen to her OP/PT (as she may benefit from some movement/exercise).
          Please know this community is here for help and support and our thoughts are with you both. Warmly, Doreen (Team Member)

        2. We adore our caregivers here! It takes so much patience and strength to care for a loved one who is struggling with health problems. It’s clear that you’re doing your best to support her so continue doing your your best. It’s also understandable that your sister is resistant to exercises because sometimes the mental and physical strain of an illness makes it hard for people to push themselves. But in all, don’t forget to take care of yourself too! It’s easy to get overwhelmed when you’re giving so much of yourself. You deserve support just as much as she does because what you’re doing is truly something remarkable and I know is great appreciated. Wishing you bother the best, Latoya (Team Member)

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