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Im on Aubagio tablets and now struggling to walk move or cut vegetablesnot myself can i get off this drug and try something else as im so sad at the moment

  1. Goodness, my heart is going out to you right now and it breaks that you are feeling sad at the moment. I can't imagine how frustrated and overwhelmed you must be feeling. Unfortunately, we aren't medical professionals and cannot give medical advice dear, on whether you can or can't get off of a drug and try something else. I do want to ask though, have you called your doctor and mentioned this to them? If you have, I'm curious what they said and if you haven't, I would absolutely recommend reaching out to them asap to talk this through with them. Express all of your concerns and feelings to them (sometimes it's easier to write it all down before the call to make sure you express everything you want to) and request their guidance on what your next steps should be. MS can be such a beast sometimes emotionally too. Do you have someone in your personal life that you can lean on for support? I hope you know, if you ever need to vent or need to talk it out, you have an entire community of support here for you. I know it may not be the same as in person, but you are not alone here. Sending you lots of love this morning. 🧡🧡🧡 Kayleigh, team

    1. Hey babes hope your well im still waiting fir medical team to see me ro discuss change if treament. Think ive called ms soceity loads as im scared to start infusions and basically dream if walkimg normally, better still i used to be a pro salsa dancer i can inly dream now 🥲 ah at least in a designer to so ill focus on Art.
      U okay

  2. I want to thank you for your reply i may have to have infusions.
    Its been tough as i havent had much help.
    Thank you for reading my comments
    Sad as i am trying to br positive if i can

    1. Ive got so nany emotions of frustration not walking without a stick.
      I look at my self and want to cry as i usef to be so active, dancing , running walking and no more. I basically feel like ive buried my self metaphorically while im alive. In an artist i actually do not want to look at anything or cant appreciate a sunny day anymore.
      So sad.

      1. Hi . Please know that you don't have to go through this alone. You have this huge community to lean on of people who understand what you are going through, and this community includes plenty of fellow artists. Giving up all those things, things you were so clearly passionate about, can be heartbreaking, but things can get better with the right treatment and the right resources. Depression is super common for people with MS. It can make your symptoms worse and that, in turn can worsen your depression. So it's really important to stop the cycle. Have you told you doctor how your are feeling? Is there anyone else you can reach out to or would you be willing to see a therapist? Here is an article from one of our advocates about his experience with a similar type of depression: I thought you might find it helpful. Can you tell me more about your situation? Do you have support at home? Have you been diagnosed long? Is this a relapse or is your MS progressive? Sending loads of gentle hugs your way. - Lori (Team Member)

    2. Please get off the drug immediately- medication is supposed to help not hurt and make you sad. Please see MS Specialist- if your current Dr won’t change your drug - get a new Dr

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