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MS and teeth

Anyone having teeth chattering all day and teeth grinding at night?

  1. Hi there was another forum thread that mentions someone experiencing teeth chattering as a symptom they experienced. I know everyone is different but that thread might be worthwhile for you? Warmly, - Reggie, team member

    1. thank you!!!

  2. Hi, !

    In addition to the information Reggie shared, I wanted to link you to another article on the topic of jaw clenching and tooth grinding, specifically. This doesn't address your question about teeth chattering, but I thought you might find the information interesting -- Teeth and jaw issues are actually not all that unusual with MS, so you are definitely not alone in experiencing these concerns.

    Best, Erin, Team Member.

    1. Thank you very much!

      1. , you're quite welcome!

        Best, Erin, Team Member.

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