Hello, I am new to this forum. Not sure I should be here yet because I am waiting to see my Neurologist, which isn't until May.
If I started at the beginning you'd probably get bored. So basically, I am a 58 year old male, relatively heathly until I got Covid in November of 2020. 3 months after I had a spell where I feel into my closet one morning getting up to go to the bathroom. The room wasn't spinning, I just couldn't get my baring's. Went to the Dr., he claimed it was a side effect of my having Covid but did an MRI on my brain because of my past Acoustic Neuroma surgeries. The best I can remember and tell from my Dr. report of the visit, normal aging but nothing to be concerned about.
About two months ago I had severe pain in my hands. Dr. did an xray and determined that I had some degeneration in my joints. His deduction was Ostio-Arthritis. But he couldn't explain the other pain I was feeling in the rest of my joints. My Dr. put me on 60mg of Cymbalta, which has taken most of the pain away.
Now I have serveral other ongoing issues that he can't explain, so that's why I'm going to the Neruo.
Here are some of the symptoms....
1. My teeth chatter when I close my teeth together, really noticible to me when I lay down at night, very subtle, but it's alway there 24/7
2. Scalp and facial numbness that comes and goes.
3. A funny feeling in the outside corner of my eyelids, like I have hayfever or an allergic reaction to cats.
4. Fatigue - Sleep for 6-7 hrs. get up and fix breakfast, eat, go back to sleep for a couple of hrs.
5. Sharp pains in different parts of my body the come, sometimes stabbing and then go away.
6. Seem to have bouts of emotions that put me in bad moods a few times
7. Playing the piano at church and find myself getting lost on the page.
I realize that these could be anything or nothing...maybe it's all in my head. I've other issues over the years that run along these lines as well.....this new stuff just makes me nervous because my Dr. couldn't put a name on what was going on with me.
Thanks for any input you can give me.