YES!!!! While, I Also have endometriosis ; I've had a total hysto , however mine never went away, when I begin to feel a flare come on and the "HUG" starts to feel like it's crushing my ribs , I suddenly look like I am about 6 months pregnant; what's amazing is that it can happen within 5 to 10 minutes! It is SO painful! You are NOT alone in this. I also have ISBD, and diverticululosis, which means I have had to learn by trial and error what works for me; but I am at my best when I stay away from heavy dairy, raw vegetables, nuts and seeds. Of course, everyone's body is different; but I also find that I have less of a HUG when I eat as gluten free as possible . It may not not work for you, but I learned that eating low fiber and gluten free helped me out ALOT! Hopefully, I've said one thing that can help you.