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Pain rating scale 0-10

We’ve all been asked to rate our pain. I find the chart with the round emoji-like faces to be lacking and not helpful. Since I tend to underrate my pain, it is often shrugged off by healthcare providers. I am always rating at the lower end. After all nurse, I did make it to the appointment and am talking. For perspective, I once reached level 8 at home and seriously asked my wife to knock me out with a blunt object.

Here’s my descriptive pain scale:

0. No pain

1. Mild tenderness, must aggravate area to cause discomfort

2. Ouch. You notice the pain regularly throughout the day and night.

3. It’s making tasks harder or makes one slow down pace to lessen aggravation. Interferes with physical tasks.

4. You can see it on one’s face. Pain is starting to push everything else out and take center stage in the mind.

5. Pain is limiting and causes mild anxiety. Having trouble listening and following conversations. Sleeping is difficult.

6. Anxiety is persistent due to intensity of pain. Can’t follow a story or conversation topic. Only short answers. Occasionally cries out.

7. The pain is now audible. The person makes pain sounds such as grunting, moaning, crying out. Body writhes. Anxiety turns to terror.

8. Bargaining. Person will bargain with the situation, and whoever is near. Pain sounds are now yelling, and shouting and or crying.

9. Person cannot form sentences or listen. Screaming and crying. Thrashing of the body.

10. Absolute horror. Worst pain of one’s life.

Does this sound familiar to my pain pals out there?

  1. I love this, ! I mean, I don't love that you are so familiar with pain, but I think your pain scale is much more accurate than the standard one they have at the ER! I appreciate your honesty and humor and I have to let you know that unintentionally, your pain chart pretty much fits the stages of labor quite well! I've had four children (three with no pain meds) and your chart really brought back some memories of late stage labor and delivery 😉

    So, thank you again for sharing! You're quite witty!

    Best, Erin, Team Member.

    1. Thanks for the positive review. After i read it later, I thought it may bum some people out. Fact: pain hurts. Although, maybe in ways emojis just can’t capture.
      I admire all women for their fortitude in bringing children into this world, especially without an epidural or something to ease the pain. God bless your family and the warrior mother you are!

      1. , thank you, but pain is definitely no competition. At least childbirth has a lovely outcome! Unremitting pain is a whole other ballgame! I admire the warriors who deal with much more pain than I ever did, and on a daily basis.

        Best, Erin, Team Member.

    2. I am a Nurse. The face pain scale is supposed to be used for Children ( although I don’t think it is very accurate for them either). I always ask people: on a scale of one to ten, with one being just annoying to ten being the most excruciating pain you have ever had, how would you rate your pain?
      I have found that to be the best way to ask after many trials and errors of finding a wording that works with the majority of people.

      1. , thanks for the insight and I like your approach to helping your patients rate their pain. Pain is so subjective, isn't it? One person's 2 is another person's 10.

        Best, Erin, Team Member.

    3. I should have said; I am a Nurse living with MS…☺️

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