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Political stress and ms

I have been diagnosed for 4 years. Living in Istanbul.
I feel mostly stressful because of political and economical issues in my country.
Social media effects badly and can’t see any way out.
Is there anyone who feels same as me? Is there any suggestion to handle this.
Note: Get away from the social media was tried but not successfull

  1. , hello and welcome!

    I don't blame you one bit for being overwhelmed and stressed by political/economic issues in your country.

    While I won't pretend to compare my situation in the USA to yours, I can say that I know many people around the world feel the same as you. It can seem so hopeless when all the media seems to focus on doom and gloom -- wars, inflation, climate change, food shortages, etc. How can a person feel positive when dealing with all that negativity on a daily basis??

    I have found that limiting my exposure to these sources helps me a lot. I also try to start or finish my social media time with some good news or funny things. Personally, I visit sites like Good News Network -- I also try to be aware that what I click on or pause on will affect the algorithms and I will see even more of whatever I pause on. So, I do make an effort not to click or pause on too many negative things. I personally like cute animal videos (like the Dodo -- and stand up comics, so I will seek these out, too.

    I know it's hard to find a balance between staying informed and protecting your mental health/stress levels, but it can be done!

    I hope other community members can chime in with their tips and tricks, too!

    Best, Erin, Team Member.

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