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Self confidence

Mine has disappeared. There is so much I can no longer do. I CAN walk but that is about it. My cognition is rapidly failing along with my ability to concentrate. My two sons are in denial about the progressive nature of this disease, one says I am not trying hard enough! GASP! What can I do??????

  1. I'm so sorry you're feeling this way. MS is a complex and progressive disease, and your limitations are not your fault. It can be tough when loved ones don't fully understand. Try having a heartfelt conversation with your sons, explaining how MS affects you and that their support means a lot. Focusing on what you can do and seeking support from others or counseling might help rebuild your confidence, along with speaking with your care team and revisiting your current state and seeing what other things can be done to best support you as you manage your MS. Remember, you're doing your best, and it's okay to ask for help. You're stronger than you think, and taking steps to address these challenges shows great courage. ❤️ Keep your head up, Latoya (Team Member)

    1. Oh, goodness, . I am so sorry. I am a mom to two teenage boys and I have observed the interesting dynamics in many mother/son relationships beyond my own. Sons seem to really struggle with seeing their moms as, you know, people. As woman with bodies that will age and change. And oddly, they seem to almost resent (?) their moms for changing and getting older? And I'm talking about "good sons", too!

      I've seen it with my brothers and father and husband and uncles, etc. I think deep, deep down, they are scared to see us aging and not being as strong as they remember us to be.

      That doesn't make it okay for the sons in our lives to be jerks about stuff, especially stuff out of our control, like MS.

      Please know you are not alone here and I do hope your sons come around and even if they struggle with your diagnosis and the changes it brings, that they can love and support you to the best of their abilities.

      Gentle Hugs, Erin, Team Member.

      1. I relate with the idea of family member being scared, not only of seeing us aging, but additionally seeing the affects of this disease in our lives and misreading what they're seeing. Presently I'm suffering the consequences of my family's fears and am very alone and unsupported.

      2. , oh, goodness. I wish people would lean into those fears a bit instead of pulling away. It's okay to be scared of change and the unknown, but it's going to happen whether you're comfortable with it or not and I wish your family understood that better. Pulling away from you is not best for them and definitely not for you!

        Gentle Hugs, Erin, Team Member.

    2. thank you for being willing to share your story and experience here. You raise an all too common struggle with MS, so by telling your story here you're helping to raise awareness of this big issue. On a more personal note though, I'm sorry to hear that you're struggle with this right now.

      I see that both Erin and Latoya shared some great insight and perspective. I also wanted to pass along this article here in hopes that it's a small idea that could help. You can read the comments too where others talk about their experience as well.
      We're thinking of you and glad that you're part of this community!

      Alene, Moderator

      1. I am so sorry. I am not yet diagnosed, but recently have had days like this, when my self confidence has just been stripped from me by the actions or comments of people around me.

        I give you my support. And I believe in you. 💜

        Would you be willing and able to have an honest conversation with your sons (and anyone else in the circle) about the symptoms that you experience and the effect that they have on you? And to discuss with respect the way that they react to you impacts your feelings and self-esteem?

        I recently had an honest and very emotional conversation with my husband about how my symptoms are emerging and affecting me and my relationship with the world. And how his responses when I'm really struggling were hurting me more than helping me. It took a minute for me to drive it home, but at the end of the day it really helped. Both with his reactions and with our relationship as a whole.

        I'm wishing you all the best and hope that the relationships can be healed and become more balanced and supportive. Sending you so many positive thoughts. 💜💜💜

        1. thanks as always for sharing such great personal insight and encouragement. That's the heartbeat of this community!
          Alene, Moderator

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