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Has anyone experienced problems with orgasm?

  1. Hi . You are far from alone in this and I am glad you felt comfortable reaching out. Sex can be such a taboo subject, but it shouldn't be. Your sexual health is important, too. Here is an article from one of our advocates that might interest you: I hope this helps and that you get lots of responses from the community. Best wishes. - Lori (Team Member)

    1. Hi , I'll chime in here and admit that too have had trouble in the past with not only achieving orgasm but with having sexual desires as well. I'm a man but I know that those issues happen for women too. It's a tough thing to talk about but it absolutely happens and I think is much more prevalent than many people think.

      1. Gonna chime in... I went numb waist down November/December 2021 there's times where I have almost no sensations so I don't bother working up the energy for it.

        1. Yeah, my orgasms left me years ago. I’ve accepted it. My latest problem is now incontinence, which can also happen during sex. That has been interesting, but I’m no longer in a relationship, and I’m fine with it. I’m still young, fit, and attractive, but I do not have the energy to deal with being part of a couple. I have my daily routines, a simple life, and I know what can set me back.

          1. oh, the joys of incontinence. That was a fun one I wasn’t prepared for. Now I’m just dehydrated all the time unless I’m at home because public washrooms are very scarce this days in my city. It’s really good that you’re so self aware of who you are and what you need. May we all find that level of self knowing.

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