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Trigeminal neurolgia

Just recently my trigeminal neuralgia was acting up. The barometric pressure dropped a lot, I was wondering if any body else had it happened to them.

  1. Oh, goodness, . I'm sorry your TN is acting up! I've heard it can be quite painful! I wouldn't be surprised if other community members find the shift in barometric pressure to be a trigger for their TN, as we all sure know it's a trigger for other MS symptoms!

    I hope you get some relief very, very soon!

    Best, Erin, Team Member.

    1. I'm sorry to hear that you're dealing with TN. It can be so painful. I haven't heard of it being triggered by changes in barometric pressure, but that doesn't discredit your experience in any way. You know your body best, and it sounds like you've been tracking any potential connections.

      In the meantime, I don't know if you saw this article, but you might find it helpful/relatable.
      Alene, Moderator

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