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Typical MS forgetfulness or something more?

Hello everyone,

my mom was diagnosed with PPMS in 2004. She is 59 years old now. She has some issues with finding the right words sometimes which I know is quite common with MS. However I noticed that sometimes she forgets parts of a recent conversation. I had a conversation with my brother and I said a sentence and she reacted to that sentence. And like 5 minutes later I repeated that sentence and she didn't remember that I had said it earlier. Even when I mentioned that I'd just said it. This was really strange to me. Does this happen to you sometimes or to your loved one? Otherwise she remembers recent events, she can recall a shopping list or what she read in a book. So I don't know what to think.
Sorry about my English I'm not a native speaker.

  1. Hi, ! First off, your English is great, so no need to apologize. I will say that forgetting words and sentences can happen with MS, but your mom should consider having some testing done to make sure something else isn't going on. Would she be open to getting some testing done?

    Best, Erin, Team Member.

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