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Undoing the damage

I accidentally discovered something that has reversed some of the damage.
Disclaimer: I am not a doctor and have no medical training. This is an account of my own personal experience.

Since 2013 I have not felt pain on my skin or the skin on the inside of my mouth. Cuts and burns did not hurt, they would just feel weird. I've also suffered from frequent headaches caused by nerve pain from the spasticity in my shoulders.
Well 5 months ago I began taking collagen for my hair and skin. 2 months ago I noticed that I wasn't getting as many headaches and they weren't as bad. Last week I burned my finger and it hurt for a few minutes. Tonight I burned my mouth on hot pizza and it hurts so veery bad. Check out the picture attached. I'm super excited

  1. I am glad you have found something that is helping you feel better, ! That's awesome!

    I like that you added the disclaimer and of course, we always suggest checking with one's doctor before starting any new treatments/supplements, just to be safe.

    I hope you keep seeing positive results and thanks for sharing!

    Best, Erin, Team Member.

    1. Thanks. I forgot to mention that I've been struggling with sleep for the past few years. Like not being able to sleep then sleeping for an entire day. That has not been a problem for the last few months. I've had no trouble falling asleep and no trouble getting back up after 7 or 8 hours.

      1. ,
        That's great to added bonus!
        ~Doreen (Team Member)

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