The Life of My CaneI was sitting in the waiting room at a radiology clinic waiting to be called in to have my annual MRI done of my brain. They were running behind schedule...Reactions0reactionsComments24 comments
I Found Out the Hard Way Which of My Drugs Interact Badly with Each OtherAfter struggling through three days of suddenly worsening MS symptoms back in July 2011, I started a three-week course of oral prednisone. As usual, I felt an immediate improvement after...Reactions0reactionsComments4 comments
Thyroid Issues and MS: How Common Are They?A few years ago, I was in and out of the doctor with constant symptoms of severe fatigue, low immune system, insomnia, hot flashes, tremors, pain and more. These all...Reactions0reactionsComments7 comments
Sexual Functioning and MSIt is common for people living with multiple sclerosis (MS) to experience sexual dysfunction: previous studies have found that approximately 40-80% of women and 50-90% of men with MS report...Reactions0reactionsComments0 comments
MS and Comorbidities: When MS Isn't Your Only Health ConditionIn addition to living with multiple sclerosis (MS), many people with the condition also are dealing with other serious health issues. In our 2017 MS in America survey, 88% of...Reactions0reactionsComments12 comments
Building a Better Life With LEGO and MSLiving with Multiple Sclerosis has taught me a lot. One important lesson I’ve learned over the years is that living with a disease like this requires a certain amount of...Reactions0reactionsComments34 comments
Is a Clinical Trial Right for Me? 5 Questions to Help you DecideMaking decisions can be tough, especially when they relate to your health! One decision you may face is whether or not participating in a clinical trial is right for you...Reactions0reactionsComments0 comments
Battling Brain FogMy mind goes blank, I feel like all the education I have has gone out the window, and my head hurts trying to think straight. I get frustrated because I...Reactions0reactionsComments1 comments
The Starvation Chronicles: Day OneAs I wrote yesterday, from now through Tuesday I’ll be subjecting myself to a Fasting Mimicking Diet (FMD), in the hopes that severely reducing my caloric intake for five days...Reactions0reactionsComments0 comments
I See YouMy dearest friend recently wrote a blog post that I just loved. She describes how now that she is grieving the loss of her father, when Father’s Day rolled around...Reactions0reactionsComments8 comments
Asking the Embarrassing Questions: My Interview With a UrologistI have struggled with bladder symptoms since being diagnosed with multiple sclerosis (MS), and I know I am far from being alone! I not only live it firsthand, but as...Reactions0reactionsComments14 comments
What I Mean When I Say I Don’t Feel WellEvery so often everyone has one of those days where they just don’t feel well. The start of a cold? The flu? Just working too hard on too little sleep?...Reactions0reactionsComments74 comments
Dealing With Toxic PeopleHaving a chronic illness like Multiple Sclerosis makes life difficult. It can be an extremely hard life that requires a large amount of support. We often find that support in...Reactions0reactionsComments48 comments
Why Some Doctors Dismiss Your Symptoms and What You Can Do About ItA significant number of patients who go through the MS diagnostic process experience a disturbing pattern of misdiagnoses and dismissiveness from physicians. If you were one of them, as I...Reactions0reactionsComments17 comments
More Life Hacks for MSersNearly 2 years ago I put together a list of my favorite MS tricks and tips, and the responses that I have received from the MS community have been so...Reactions0reactionsComments12 comments
The Joy of Getting an MRIThat title is extremely sarcastic, folks! While many of us with Multiple Sclerosis have a wide range of symptoms, there are certainly a number of things we have in common...Reactions0reactionsComments52 comments
Why Wasn't I Chosen for a Clinical Trial?In any clinical trial, participants must meet certain criteria to be eligible to participate. There are two commonly used terms when describing clinical trial eligibility, and those are “inclusion criteria”...Reactions0reactionsComments0 comments
Feel the Burn — of MS Neuropathic Pain!I don’t know how many times during my pre-MS life I exercised to yet another workout video where the instructor needled me into holding a difficult pose and said, "Do...Reactions0reactionsComments10 comments
It's Normal to Grieve For What You've LostAs traumatic as a multiple sclerosis diagnosis was for me, the trauma soon faded and the losses that followed lingered much longer in my memory. The first loss was that of my...Reactions0reactionsComments5 comments
Some of the Weirder MS SymptomsMultiple sclerosis is a disease that can cause a huge number of different symptoms that often vary from person to person. We talk often about the “common” ones like fatigue...Reactions0reactionsComments249 comments