Vaccination advice"I am 66 years old. I was diagnosed with PPMS last year. I received my 1st half Ocrevus infusion on 10/18/21. My 2nd half infusion on 11/02/21. And am due...Reactions0reactionsComments2 repliesTreatmentTips & AdvicePPMS
1000mg of IV Solu-Medrol - once monthlyHello, This is my first post to this forum. I am a 65 year old female with primary progressive MS. I opted to discontinue MS medications about a year ago...Reactions0reactionsComments1 repliesTreatmentPPMSSide Effects
OcrevusMy neuro says I am not a candidate for this. I don't know if it's my age 66 or if I am too far along..34 years. Two limbs affected so...Reactions0reactionsComments9 repliesTreatmentPPMS
Need help with the diagnosising processI am going through the process of being diagnoised with MS after neurological symptoms and clear blood tests, scans, etc. I believe I have PPMS due to my unrelenting symptoms...Reactions0reactionsComments4 repliesCopingPPMS
Anyone have a neurologist recommendation in Chapel Hill, NC?My neurologist is retiring. I wonder if anyone had a neurologist in Chapel Hill, NC if possible? I don’t want to go to Duke. I have PPMS and my major...Reactions0reactionsComments3 repliesTreatmentPPMS