MS Comic: Commercial AdsMultiple sclerosis treatment commercials. We've all seen them. In addition to their standard language and repetitive phrases, they just can't seem to depict MS for what it truly is. A...Reactions0reactionsComments2 comments
Let The Names Upon My MS Journey BeginWhen I was diagnosed with multiple sclerosis, my world, as I had known it for 37 years, suddenly changed. Now, there was an actual reason for my fatigue, physical weakness...Reactions0reactionsComments9 comments
Finding Happiness after a Depression FlareI recently wrote an article sharing my struggle with a depressive episode that lasted longer than usual. Thankfully, I am in a better headspace now. Many have asked me what...Reactions0reactionsComments5 comments
Poking Myself In The EyesOne day my mom called me a girly girl. In response, I swiveled my head and asked her exactly what she was talking about. To me, a girly girl was...Reactions0reactionsComments2 comments
Keep On Truckin'As I read the paper "Experiences of African American Women with Multiple Sclerosis" I caught myself nodding in agreement with most of the findings. As an African American woman living...Reactions0reactionsComments1 comments
Is That A Spider On My Leg?I am not a fan of spiders. I lose it when they creep into my personal space. All of their eight legs strutting into my business. Of course, I realize...Reactions0reactionsComments7 comments
The Impact of My Age and MSWay over two decades ago, I was at an early morning hockey practice and kept falling down. Not in the course of any plays or drills, not even with anyone...Reactions0reactionsComments54 comments
Crafting My MS MaskMost of the people I encounter from day-to-day in my life only ever get to see the mask I put on to hide the toll multiple sclerosis (MS) is taking...Reactions0reactionsComments42 comments
Asking Myself The Hard QuestionsMS is so unpredictable. This chronic disease often presents mysteries that are quite unsolicited, such as, how I will feel on any given morning. I can retire to bed feeling...Reactions0reactionsComments11 comments
Calling All Artists! MSAA’s 2022 Art Showcase is Open for SubmissionsWe’re off to a flying “art!” Each year, the Multiple Sclerosis Association of America’s Art Showcase celebrates beautiful artwork created by people with MS. From now until December 13, 2021...Reactions0reactionsComments0 comments
MS Movie Review: Crip CampI finally sat down and watched the Oscar-nominated documentary, Crip Camp. What is it about? In 1971, a camp in the Catskill mountains about three hours from Manhattan hosted dozens...Reactions0reactionsComments12 comments
BMI 32That's right. The title of this article reflects my Body Mass Index or BMI. A BMI of 32, well, that means I am obese. Such an ugly-sounding word. Oh-beese. Hear...Reactions0reactionsComments5 comments
Why Not Now? Taking Opportunities When You Live with MSI recently went on a camping trip to the coast—Cape Disappointment in southwest Washington state. Among its many beautiful features stands North Jetty, a 2.5-mile-long “rubble mound” along the north...Reactions0reactionsComments14 comments
Lipoatrophy in MS PatientsLipoatrophy is the loss of fat under the skin. An affected area may look like a valley or trough in your skin. Areas are patchy and uneven. Several affected areas...Reactions0reactionsComments2 comments
ALS vs MS: Know The DifferenceI was diagnosed with multiple sclerosis in my early twenties. It didn’t take long for me to realize that a lot of people, particularly in my own age group, had...Reactions0reactionsComments16 comments
Hope for Progressive MS Therapies Depends on New Lesion MapIf you have progressive multiple sclerosis, either primary (PPMS) or secondary (SPMS), you may be interested in hearing about this hopeful new effort by scientists to repair ongoing MS damage...Reactions0reactionsComments6 comments
MS Comic: IsolatingEven having a good support system doesn’t mean we don’t sometimes feel like we are fighting this MS battle alone. It can be challenging when friends and family members who...Reactions0reactionsComments6 comments
My Journey with My New Assisted 'Friends'It was a hot day in July 2007 when I sat registered, signed in, and anxiously awaiting my turn in the spacious, bright lobby of a local neurology office. This...Reactions0reactionsComments3 comments
MS Life: The Best Laid Plans of ThanksgivingThis year’s Thanksgiving brings with it many hopes and dreams. For me, I look forward to making up for lost time. Of course, we missed out in 2020 because of...Reactions0reactionsComments9 comments
Why Popeye Was Wrong About PeoplePopeye the Sailor Man was a comic book and cartoon film icon for decades. One of his signature lines went along the lines of “I am what I am, and...Reactions0reactionsComments0 comments