Have you ever looked back and realized you had signs of MS way before you were diagnosed?My initial symptoms came on very quickly. I awoke one day and had trouble with my legs and less than 48 hours later, I couldn't even stand on my own...Reactions0reactionsComments347 repliesDiagnosis
Weird MS SymptomsHave you ever experienced what you thought was a "weird" symptom and wondered if others with MS have experienced it too? Share your "weird" symptom here and see if others...Reactions0reactionsComments1647 repliesSymptoms
How do you keep cool?For many of us, it's that time of year again! The season when the temperature and humidity increase to unbearable levels. Many of us with Multiple Sclerosis experience a temporary...Reactions0reactionsComments100 repliesWeather
MS: The Death of My DreamsWe all have dreams growing up. So I set out and made them all come true. Then multiple sclerosis killed my dreams. After finishing college, I married the man of...Reactions0reactionsComments3 comments