Active yesterdayReceiving SupportSupport and love can come in all sorts of forms. In what ways have your friends, family, healthcare providers, pets, or others been supportive and shown love to you during...Reactions0reactionsComments100 repliesCopingFriends & Family
Active 6 days agoLet's take the symptoms out of the equation for a moment...And think about our emotional health. Our mindfulness. Our psychological quality of life. What do you do when you're down and out? Or have an embarrassing experience in public? Or...Reactions0reactionsComments8 repliesUndiagnosed/Seeking DiagnosisFriends & FamilyCoping
How are you feeling this week?How are your mind and body feeling this week? What symptoms seem to be bothering you the most lately? Do any symptoms seem to have subsided this week? Emotionally, where...Reactions0reactionsComments119 repliesCoping
Does anyone struggles with anxiety?Since i've been diagnosed with MS (almost 4 years ago), i have issue with anxiety. It's part of my everyday life and sometimes is very hard to cope. So i...Reactions0reactionsComments4 repliesSymptomsCoping
I apologized to myself today I've been having a pretty rough few days with movement, and have been feeling low. And in pain! It's been hard. And I have been feeling negative toward my body...Reactions0reactionsComments28 repliesCopingUndiagnosed/Seeking DiagnosisAwareness
Halting scientific research Anyone else see they halted Cancer Scientific research, any word on MS research being halted?? This is the most difficult thing I've seen today, I go to Cancer Center at...Reactions0reactionsComments6 repliesCoping
Have been having a lot of fatigue. I have been having a lot of fatigue the last few days. I don't know if it's because of the MS or not or whatever. I'm so freaking tired from...Reactions0reactionsComments6 repliesCopingMental Health
So glad we have this forum. I’m 81, a widow of 3yrs, and my kids want me to move from my townhome to a home next door to my daughter. They say it’s for my own...Reactions0reactionsComments11 repliesCoping
Are You No Longer Working Because Of MS?Do you no longer work because of MS? Let's talk about it. I left work one day about 10 years ago and never returned. My symptoms and unpredictability from MS...Reactions0reactionsComments47 repliesCopingInsurance & DisabilityWork & Employment
Reflecting on the Holidays and Looking Ahead to the New YearWith Christmas behind us and New Year's around the corner, how are you feeling? How has your holiday time been so far and what are you looking forward to in...Reactions0reactionsComments3 repliesCoping