How Speech Therapy Helped MeBack in the spring of 2023, I told my new MS specialist that, for years, I’d been having problems voluntarily swallowing at times. This mostly occurred at night, while lying...Reactions0reactionsComments4 comments
5 Ways to Improve Your Health While SittingI've seen buzz in the news about sitting being the “new smoking” in terms of habits that negatively impact your health. But what happens when standing or physical activity isn’t...Reactions0reactionsComments16 comments
Living on the Edge Before MS, and Then Life After MSLet’s take a trip back to when life was an open canvas and living life wasn’t limited unless you decided it was. And then to how life changed with MS...Reactions0reactionsComments11 comments
Emerging From an MS Slump: My Journey to Feeling BetterHave you ever felt stuck in a rut with multiple sclerosis (MS), unable to gather the energy and motivation to take care of yourself? While I’ve always managed to make...Reactions0reactionsComments57 comments
A Sudden Anomaly: MS, Me, A Stroke And MommyChanges in life are inevitable. They can occur in as little as a second, a minute, or one or more day(s), night(s), month(s) or year(s). Some are foreseen while others...Reactions0reactionsComments3 comments
Finding Light Through Darkness: Accepting My MS DiagnosisI read a poem that deeply resonated with me and my 18+ year journey with MS: I kept running away from my darkness until I understood that in it I would find my freedom...Reactions0reactionsComments21 comments
When It Comes To MS, You Can Call Me A 'Hater'To have or feel a strong aversion, incredible dislike, or extreme disdain of something can sometimes be construed as hate. Hence, the person who inhabits said feelings may be deemed...Reactions0reactionsComments11 comments
Navigating Public SpacesLiving with multiple sclerosis (MS) means embracing adaptability. Each day presents unique challenges, and as someone navigating this chronic condition, I’ve learned to adjust gracefully. My arms, the once-reliable tools...Reactions0reactionsComments20 comments
Feeling Like an InconvenienceDuring a past appointment with a neurologist, I received great news that everything was stable. Our visit was going well, and just as we were wrapping up, the doctor mentioned...Reactions0reactionsComments28 comments
Pseudobulbar AffectMany people with multiple sclerosis (MS) experience pseudobulbar affect (PBA). PBA is a neurological (nerve) condition that causes episodes of uncontrolled laughing or crying. The outbursts do not match your...Reactions0reactionsComments5 comments
Now That You Mention it, My Lack of Focus HAS Been Bothering Me!We’ve all lived with symptoms that puzzle us and we ask ourselves: is this a new MS symptom? And then there are the problems that have hung around so long...Reactions0reactionsComments16 comments
My Relationship With MSIn the past, I have been in relationships that were not good and some that were really not good. Whatever the reason, when it was time to move on, I...Reactions0reactionsComments11 comments
Moving Through a RelapseMS is different for everyone, and the same goes for relapses. After 18 years of living with MS, I am much better at identifying a relapse, but MS can be...Reactions0reactionsComments14 comments
With MS, Remember to Focus on the Needs of Others, TooMy husband, Dan, and I should be adaptive Zumba dancing at Evolution Fitness, our local fitness center, right now. The Latin-inspired dance class was supposed to give us a fun...Reactions0reactionsComments2 comments
Am I Still A Musician If I Can't Play?Multiple sclerosis (MS) has affected almost every part of my body. I have brain lesions in the periventricular white matter. What symptoms they cause is not clear to me. Most...Reactions0reactionsComments37 comments
My Epiphany: What I Realized Going From RRMS to SPMSAs life keeps going, there will be plenty of ‘ah-ha!’ or ‘lightbulb’ moments. Or the sudden realization of something you missed from a past event that you now see coming...Reactions0reactionsComments6 comments
After 38 Years, Here Are 8 Things I Learned About Living with MSThis year marks 38 years since my MS diagnosis. Since then, the learning curve has been steep, from having little knowledge about the disease and no MS medications to a...Reactions0reactionsComments54 comments
Creating Your Comfort Zone at HomeLiving with multiple sclerosis (MS) can mean you experience a range of energy levels throughout your day. Its unpredictable nature can make it challenging. That’s why I find it so...Reactions0reactionsComments3 comments
How (and Why) I Garden With MSOne constant feature of living with MS is that my body rebels every time I move. This could keep me from doing the things that mean the most. Gardening is...Reactions0reactionsComments4 comments
Low-Energy Activities for Summer FunSummer is the season of “fun in the sun.” But what happens when multiple sclerosis (MS) makes you fear the sun? Hot summer days can trigger even more fatigue, not...Reactions0reactionsComments17 comments