Patrick Leer...Patrick was an essential member of the community, providing unique insight and perspective as the primary caregiver to his wife,...
One of the Best Gifts from Caregivers to Patients...There is less information on the specific benefits of a home massage given by a spouse/caregiver....Reactions0reactionsComments3 comments
Asking for help (response to Stephanie's article)...I have spent my entire life being a help-ER, as in 'caregiver', helpful friend or neighbor....Reactions0reactionsComments0 comments
Caregiver Perspective: How MS Affects the Family...I worry about what happens if I die or become disabled and can no longer be his caregiver. ...Reactions0reactionsComments5 comments
To Medicate or Not to Medicate: Helping Patients Choose...who helps my wife navigate through a multitude of complex MS issues and decisions, it has become apparent that one of the most important functions of a caregiver...Reactions0reactionsComments14 comments
Kristi's MS Story...I lived at my parents house since my husband left me and my mom was my caregiver for a few years as well as my dad's caregiver since...Reactions0reactionsComments2 comments
Advice please...As her caregiver, my question to all is, how do you handle to severe mood swings this causes?...Reactions0reactionsComments17 comments
MS Warrior Or Am I?...If not for my caregiver, who rarely left my room, I wouldn’t know my name, age, or anything. I didn’t even know which hand I wrote with....Reactions0reactionsComments15 comments
Gary Chester...The stories that Cathy and so many other MS patients have shared on have inspired me to contribute my thoughts on being a caregiver...
With MS, Remember to Focus on the Needs of Others, Too...Steve selflessly stepped up to serve as my primary caregiver when my MS was rapidly progressing....Reactions0reactionsComments2 comments
Caregiver Perspective: Delirium and UTI's - What's the Connection?...Did you know that delirium can be a symptom of a urinary tract infection? Neither did I, but it's something I'm learning to recognize. Apparently, I'm not the only one...Reactions0reactionsComments5 comments
I’ll Miss You, Patrick...They would certainly want to do so but they have to work and don’t have extra money to hire a caregiver so care could be provided at home....Reactions0reactionsComments4 comments
The Caregiver: An Essential Member of the Healthcare Team...As a former nurse, and as a current caregiver, let me emphasize to you the importance of your role as a member of the healthcare team....Reactions0reactionsComments4 comments
HSCT Part 4: The Treatment Itself...In the end, I had two or three days alone before a new caregiver arrived. His name was Fernando, and he was a real gem....Reactions0reactionsComments6 comments
MS Life...I qualified for a caregiver in-home, but they have no one to send to my home, so I am without help and have severe fatigue and body aches every...Reactions0reactionsComments0 comments
Juggling potential caregiving with career change...Therefore between how well she recovers and future relapses,I am accepting the fact that I will need to take on more of a caregiver role....Reactions0reactionsComments1 repliesCaregiving
Vindicated, Scared, Win...Will my new husband be willing to be a caregiver? I'm scared! Now here it is, 2022....Reactions0reactionsComments1 comments
Caregivers Must Ask the Right Questions...This is the type of question that MS patients and caregivers must ask....Reactions0reactionsComments2 comments
Redefining My Marriage Role as a Caregiver...My role has changed from being a provider (and finding great fulfillment in that) to one of being a caregiver....Reactions0reactionsComments7 comments